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Icons of WA

February 21, 2023

  at 18:30

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Think about iconic WA locations, food & wine………

….over looking the Swan River…….King’s Park….

…      Margaret River wines……iconic….Moss Wood…Leeuwin Estate

…Swan Valley wines….Talijancich aged dessert wines….

…     WA oysters, marron, scallops; ..skilfully, creatively prepared by innovative chefs…

….a renowned iconic restaurant that is a jewel in WA’s epicurean crown….Fraser’s

The evening will include a Mystery Wine for members to taste and identify … ……a Tasting Table of aged wines for diners to enjoy over the evening.

Where: Fraser’s                 60 Fraser Avenue, Kings Park, West Perth.

When: Tuesday, 21st February, 2023

Time: 6:30pm for 7pm sit down

Cost: $225 for members, $250 for guests & non-members

Dress Code: Casual and IWFS medallions for members

RSVP: ASAP     Closing on 11th FEBRUARY, 2023

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